Sunday, August 16, 2009

Gil Gross' "Real Estate Today" Replaced Bob Brinker Moneytalk at WABC in NY. Is KGO in SF Next?

Gil Gross' show replaced Bob Brinker on New York's WABC radio. KGO's general manager, Mickey Luckoff, says he carries Moneytalk because the station owner, Citadel, requires it. Citadel dropped Moneytalk from WABC s othat "requirement" may have changed. Who will be next to cancel Moneytalk? Could it be KGO?

It could be too late, but you need to write KGO and let them know you like the show if you want it to stay on the air.

According to yesterday's story in the San Francisco Peninsula Press Club, Gil Gross's "Real Estate Today" replaced "Moneytalk hosted by Bob Brinker" in New York's WABC:
Gil Gross' show replaces Bob Brinker in NY
KGO-AM afternoon host Gil Gross began moonlighting a few months ago as the host of a two-hour nationally syndicated weekend program about the real estate industry, which has just been picked up by WABC-AM in New York. In fact it airs on Saturdays from 4-6 p.m. Eastern, replacing longtime WABC financial host Bob Brinker. At the moment, Brinker doesn't have a New York affiliate. No station in the San Francisco market has picked up Gross's "Real Estate Today" program yet. However, KGO-AM president and gm Mickey Luckoff said on Ronn Owens' show in May that the station's owner, Citadel, required him to carry Brinker's program. His comment was in response to a caller who disliked Brinker's show, feeling it didn't fit in with the rest of KGO's lineup. Luckoff didn't disagree. Maybe that policy has changed now that Brinker has been dumped by Citadel's flagship station, WABC.
I often listen to Gil Gross on KGO Monday through Friday 2 to 4PM PST as his "talk about anything" show is quite good.

How long will Citidel require KGO to carry Moneytalk over giving the spotlight to their own talent, Gil Gross?

If you want to keep Moneytalk on the air, you need to write the station and tell them why. Sooner is probably better than later too.

If you want to ask WABC to put Bob Brinker's Moneytalk back on the air, then you need to write the station and tell them why.

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