Sunday, June 03, 2012

Brinker Market Update - DOW Negative YTD

The current market pullback is down 10.2% on an intraday basis and down 9.9% on a closing basis. 

2012 Downturn Intraday Closing
S&P 2012 High 1,422.38 1,419.04
S&P 2012 Low 1,277.25 1,278.04
Decline in Pts 145.13 141.00
Decline in % 10.2% 9.9%
From's Weekly Recap:

IndexStarted WeekEnded WeekChange% ChangeYTD %
S&P 5001317.821278.04-39.78-3.01.6
Russell 2000766.41737.42-28.99-3.8-0.5
Bob Brinker remains bullish and as of his June Marketimer continues "fully invested" and still believes "the s&P500 Index will reach our target range in the upper-1400s to lower-1500s withing the next 12 months."

ECRI still expects a recession:
Of course, Brinker has remained bullish and fully invested since March 2003 and thus missed the last two bear markets including the biggest market decline since the Great Depression.  See 
More charts and tables:
S&P500 Closing Values

2012 Downturn Intraday Closing
DJIA 2012 High 13,338.66 13,279.32
DJIA 2012 Low 12,107.48 12,118.57
Decline in Pts 1,231.18 1,160.75
Decline in % 9.2% 8.7%
DJIA Closing Values
Since 9/30/98 inception, "Kirk's Newsletter Explore Portfolio" is UP 390%
vs. the S&P500 UP only 51% vs. NASDAQ UP only 57% (All through 12/31/11)
(More Info, Testimonials & Portfolio Returns)
Q1 2012 Update:  Up 11.3% YTD  as of 3/31/12
(remember this 2012 performance is with 1/3 in fixed income!)

Subscribe NOW and get the June 2012 Issue for FREE!


  1. Jim Cramer ‏@jimcramer
    3:20 AM - 4 Jun 12 via TweetDeck

    "I want to reiterate that unless we see something substantive out of Europe we will have to sell the rallies..."

  2. Jim Cramer ‏@jimcramer

    "I love the fact that people think the ten handle shift up in futures from last night is the bottom: sell rips."

    3:12 AM - 4 Jun 12 via TweetDeck ·

  3. YTD Returns as of 06/04/2012

    Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv - VTSMX +2.39%
    GNMA Fund Investor Shares - VFIIX +1.58%
    REIT Index Fund Inv - VGSIX +5.37%
    Inflation-Protect Sec Inv (TIPS) - VIPSX +5.01%
    Total Bond Mkt Index Inv - VBMFX +2.46%

    From Bob Brinker's Asset Allocation History
    "Marketimer, May 3, 2012: "For now, we continue to maintain a favorable stock market view. We expect the current period of short-term consolidation to be contained withn the single-digit percentage range as measured from the April 2, 2012 S&P 500 closing high of 1419." "

  4. Moneytalk has degenerated into a DNC talking points infomercial with the women who have been on the last 2 weeks. (June 3 & 10)

    I presume its days are numbered as a national show.

  5. I just started a part time job at Enterprise. When I interviewed they said about 25 hours a week. This is my third week and they are doing their best to hold hours to 22-23 due to the Health bill. They are worried that if they go over 25 they will have to consider people full time and give benefits so this is the reaction. I am sure they are not the only company doing this so another casualty of the bill is that you can't get out of the underemployed situation without working about 3 twenty hour jobs as the pay is lousy and benefits non existent! I have found this to be true for two years now as I am also facing the underlying age discrimination issue. I know this is a little off topic but certainly a reflection of the economy which affects us all as traders!


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