Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Jim Rogers Investment Advice for Parents

During the 1990s when Jim Rogers was often on TV, Bob Brinker would refer to him as "Mr. Bow Tie" for the fashion statement Rogers continues to make.

In yesterday's article "Jim Rogers reveals his Singapore investment strategy" by Elena Torrijos of Yahoo Finance Singapore, Jim Rogers says parents should:

  1. Educate your kids
  2. buy a home
  3. Have adequate insurance
  4. THEN start investing.
When asked what he believed to be the biggest mistakes he has seen people from Singapore making when investing abroad, he replied:
“They don’t know what they’re doing. That’s the biggest mistake when investing anywhere, but especially overseas. Many people wind up investing in Norway when they can’t find Norway on the map.”

Investors, he said, should know currencies, bonds, governments, taxes and the like – everything, in short. “You have to know all that when investing in your own country, but even doubly when it’s a different country,” he said.
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