Saturday, October 31, 2009

Lynn Jimenez Named Permanent Guest Host of "Moneytalk with Bob Brinker"

Lynn Jimenez was named as the permanent guest host of the nationally syndicated radio show "MoneyTalk with Bob Brinker."

Lynn Jimenez continues as the weekday morning business reporter for KGO Radio (AM 810 in San Francisco, CA) with a segment titled "Your Money."

Lynn Jimenez will celebrate 20 years at San Francisco's number one radio station in January 2010. Prior to joining KGO, Jimenez was a manager of media relations for Pacific Bell, now AT&T, in San Francisco. There, she was part of a team that developed California's first statewide Hispanic AIDS education television program and telephone hotline, a program that garnered a Presidential Citation for private sector initiatives.

Lynn Jimenez also wrote the book ¿Se Habla Dinero? The Everyday Guide to Financial Success (English and Spanish Edition)

A bilingual guide to the basics of financial success. ¿Se Habla Dinero? walks readers through the fundamentals of personal finance and money management and explains how to open and use bank accounts; establish and manage credit; save and borrow money for education; and master basic investing techniques. This bilingual guide makes intimidating topics easy and gives readers the confidence they need to move forward.

For more information about Lynn Jimenez:


  1. did bob ever get the losses back from 2007

  2. Anonymous asked: " did bob ever get the losses back from 2007"

    No. Brinker's Marketimer Model Portfolio #1
    as of 10/31/07 was $302,561
    as of 2/28/09 was $143,938 down $158,623 or (52.4%)
    as of 10/31/09 was $212,009 down $90,552 or (29.9%)

    What sucks about large losses, it takes over a double to make up a 52.4% loss

    The gain required from 10/31/09 to "break-even" with 10/31/07 is still a whopping 42.7%!

    It illustrates the appeal of market timing, avoiding large losses. But we know Brinker was one of the best and he was ravaged by the bear market just like buy and holders. At least for those of us who use asset allocation, we could buy when the market was lower with money we had from taking profits near the top. It helps lessen the large losses, but it won't eliminate portfolio volatility.

    Portfolio volatility is the price we pay for better long term returns in equities.

    I want to remind everyone to read Using Asset Allocation to Make Money in a Flat Market even if you read it before.

  3. Lynn Jiminez is VERY liberal, I find she adds little as the average BOB listener is pretty well read, her knowledge is NOT better than the average listener.

    1. I agree with you entirely. I do not like her one bit. We need another Dr. Bill, who was great!

  4. I agree with Matt. I don't think she was the right choice to replace Bob at all.

  5. I also agree with Matt. I am really turned off by her comments today calling political radio (translation: conservative) "ideological". Excuse me Lynn, but the conservative viewpoint is based on the empirical observation that conservative principles work, whereas the current administration and their political allies are in fact extreme ideologues - promoting left wing policies despite the facts.

  6. Amazing,

    Lynn mentioned on today's show that corporations have savings, but they are not using the money saved to hire. Well Lynn, while other financial shows seem to place some of the blame on the current Congress and administration, why don't you? I know, your liberal leanings will not allow you to do so. Because it would knock Democratic leftist Pelosi, Reid, and Obama.

  7. I agree with the above. I couldn't believe what I was hearing...more of the "corporations are evil" mantra. Seems that Lynn thinks that corporations don't want to grow and expand with demand, I guess they should just create the job and hope the demand appears out of thin air?
    As soon as I hear her voice as a fill in of Bob the radio gets turned off.

  8. It's good to have Lynn Jimenez on the air because she doesn't insult callers the way Bob "Lose It All" Brinker does. Bob and his stupid "market timer" has caused more people more hurt than any other economic guru out there because people take his word as gospel. If he wasn't on ABC radio he'd probably be doing late night infomercials

  9. So according to the above comment, you just have to not insult people to give fininacial advice. I won't defend Bob or his record, but I am not going to listen to Lynn either.

  10. I wonder if she is an under study of Robert Reich? And Bob is obnoxious. I don't listen anymore

  11. Wow, the guest for Bob Brinker’s radio show was very unprofessional, November, Sunday 28th.

    Lynn Jimenez might be smart, in certain areas but she showed her biased. At least she admitted she is sick and cranky.

    Mr. Brinker has always seemed fairly balanced on politics, criticizing both parties. But Lynn Jimenez seems to be very left leaning, liberal.

    Long time listener to Bob Brinker’s show, listened to many guests, didn’t agree with some but they weren’t as rude and biased as his guest host today, Lynn Jimenez.

    Then I checked her out and she is a permanent guess for Bob, which is too bad.

  12. I wish I had something kind to add. This woman is insane in terms of simple accounting and government responsibility to the people who buy its bonds. Where did she learn about government obligations and taxes? WOW!!!!

  13. Jimenez is a horrible fill-in.

    What say you, Mr. Brinker?

    I simply turn the station when I hear she's on.

  14. I agree...Jimenez isn't the choice. It's like asking Palin to be your running that really the best choice or are you trying to expand or demographics.

    Bob isn't rude...he's as cool as any host on air. There are some real insecure hosts out there...this isn't political talk, this is MONEY talk...I want to hear someone stable and confident.

    I do like the way Kirk can listen and respond with intelligence when not in agreement. I am not interested in emotional hyperbole seen in so many TV talk-heads and radio alike.

  15. I agree that Lynn is horrible. Her sing song delivery makes her sound like a third grader trying for a part in a school play. Her financial advice is third rate. Her political view third world.

  16. The only time I listen to Money Talk is when I happen to catch Lynn hosting.

  17. 6/12/2011 Bob, I have listened your show for many years but I must say I have no interest in listening to Lynn Jimenez. I find her advise very liberal & bias against a free market society. She often contradicts the advise you have given. I also have to question the way she handles callers. She constantly interrupts callers to the point of being rude. When I hear her filling in, I just turn to radio off and search for another source for financial information. It's pretty easy just to download Ric Edelman.

  18. I'm a MOD listener and on the Monday's that I log on and see she filled in, I skip that week. I can't find anything else to listen to today so I'm listening to Lynn. Beyond her less than stellar delivery, what really rubs me the wrong way is that she rushes the callers. She tries to speed it up every time and she cuts people off. It's beyond annoying.

  19. Stacy

    You can listen to old shows for free using the KGO archives.

    Sundays 1 to 4PM PST shows.

    Right click and "Save Link as" will allow you to save it directly to your hard drive to listen later which is handy.

    The shows are there for a week.

  20. I always turn off the show when Lynn is the host. She is terrible, a poor financial analyst and very partisan to the left.

  21. I also turn her off- she adds little knows little and always promotes her liberal view of taking from the workers and giving to those who don't.


  23. Lynn Jimenez was the guest host today, August 7th, and after listening to Ms. Jimenez for about 1 hour I turned it off. I turned it off when she characterized "Cut, Cap and Balance" as a juvenile, foolish abdication of Congress' responsibility. I strongly disagree with this. Ms. Jimenez' obvious liberal bias is not worth listening to.

  24. I was also turned off by Lynn's use of media time (Aug. 7th) to spew her obvious liberal views. A woman called to politely debate her and Lynn cut her off. She later tried to appear objective by apologizing and making excuses for cutting the woman off but throughout the show Lynn's agenda was clear.

  25. I didn't even last 15 minutes. I tuned in just to see what excuse she'd come up w/ for this administration's lack of leadership and responsibility. Jimenez didn't disappoint. Her overbearing, rude and strident, liberal biased viewpoint is intolerable. I absolutely refuse to listen to her ever again.
    On WLS in Chicago, Bob's Saturday show has been bumped for Larry Kudlow. Enjoy him very much. If Lynn continues as a sub, Bob's show should wind up the the local progressive station with blowhard faux journalist Dick Kay.

  26. I've been a faithful listener for 11 or 12 years, but no more. this nation is in dire danger because of people like her! To listen at all is the same as enabling her. when she's gone, I might tune back in!

  27. Kirk - thank you for the link.

    I'm listening to this past weekend and I want to shut my computer down. SO done with her.

    Anyhoo - who was the guy who used to fill in for Bob? The guy from the East Coast, ____ Flanigan?

    1. His name was Bill Flanigan. Bob called him "Dr. Bill". He died some time ago.

    2. Tim, these are two different men.

      Bill (William G.) Flanagan


      "Dr. Bill" Wattenburg

      Please read "Moneytalk Old and New Regulars Lynn Jimenez, Bill Flanagan & Dr. Bill for more.

  28. I like listening to Lynn Jimenez as I feel that she brings a different point of view. Most investment professionals spout the same view point that lowering taxes is the only thing that matters. Well, lowering taxes has consequences when it is done irresponsibly. Lowering taxes might have been OK in the beginning of Bush II's term, but it should not have been allowed to continue if we were going to start a prolonged war in Iraq. Let's do one or the other but not both.

  29. OK, can we have a civil discussion about why "cut, cap, and balance" is a reasonable way to go? I hate it when someone tries to relate the U.S. govt budget with a family budget. The two are not the same. If we had "cut, cap, and balance" after 9/11, we would have had to cut spending or raise taxes before we can send any troops into Iraq. I can't imagine a country painting itself into such a corner.

  30. It is dishonest for you Mr. Brinker to charge people to listen to you via the computer but then change the rules mid game. We paid to listen to your financial wisdom but now we increasingly get a very poor Lynn Jimenez. She is a very poor substitute for your listeners. Do you not care any longer? Thank you for saving me $60.00 since I will no longer renew this inferior service you are providing.

  31. Lynn Jimenez is a terrible host. She would be fine on a Liberal talk show like the View or something like that. What is her background? MBA, Economics, was she ever an FA or broker, or trader? Her ignorance makes her sound so very silly to an informed Brinker audience. I don’t always agree with Bob, but I appreciate his viewpoint. Why can’t a re-run be aired? Ms Jimenez’s banter is worthless.

  32. I'm sorry but Lynn Jimenez just doesn't do it for me. Whenever she's on I turn the program off. Such a disappointment after waiting all week to hear what you, Bob, have to say about our financial conditions. My thought is that you're easing into retirement and will soon turn your program over to Ms. Jimenez. Really Bob do you think she can take your place? Find someone who will continue to teach and guide us on how to reach critical mass and to give us the confidence to do so in this sad economic state of affairs we're in today. Please listen to us.

  33. I know this is redundant, but please, Bob, GET RID OF HER !!!

  34. Where is Bill Flanigan when we need him? Bill was informative, friendly and treated callers with respect. He had a sense of humor. What was Bob brinker thinking when he chose Lynn Jimenez? She is so Liberal it is sickening. I am listening to her now. Somebody please fire her! I thought we are all Americans. She only thinks as a Latina.

    1. For as long time, Bill (William G.) Flanagan (Bill Flanagan Fan Club) was the regular substitute for Bob Brinker. Bill wrote a very good book called "Dirty Rotten CEOs" where he accurately described how CEOs were (and are) "Fleecing America." Bill died last year and Bob Brinker paid tribute to him during his February 5, 2012 broadcast.

      Please read "Moneytalk Old and New Regulars Lynn Jimenez, Bill Flanagan & Dr. Bill for more.

  35. I had no idea Bill Flanigan passed on! So sad to hear this. Tim, when did this happen? Does anyone have any details about this. Thanks.

  36. I agree with everyone on here. Lynn Jimenez is so liberal it is sickening. Clearly she has never run a company or taken a personal financial stake in making a business succeed. What an apologist for every leftist talking point. Bob, what are you thinking???

  37. 4/8/12 - Very disappointed....had to turn off Money Talk again this week...Lynn Jimenez was hosting.

  38. Looking foward to listening all day, then guess who's ignorant, pablum spewing, voice came over the air! Yes, Ms. La raza! Im done with you Bob. No more Market Timer, no more Moneytalk, no more nothing. I WILL NOT subsidize this America hating, mexican socialist.

  39. Yes, let's bring on an "expert" on oil/gas who claims high gas prices have nothing to do with demand and certainly would not go down if the US produced more crude. Oh, by the way, besides being an author and attorney, HE HELD SENIOR POSITIONS AT MF GLOBAL! I'm sure he doesn't lean left in the slightest.

  40. I LOVE Lynn. She's smart & knowledgeable. She & Bob make a great team!

  41. Moneytalk with Lynn Jiminez was a total train wreck today. She kept cutting off every caller. It was embarrassing. I won't listen to that rudeness again.

  42. won't listen to Lynn when she's substituting, she is seriously unpleasant...please replace her with an educative person

  43. I have been a listener to Bob Brinker at Money Talk dating back to the late 1980s . He has been a great asset to me in reaching critical mass. However, the guest hosting of Lynn Jimenez has completely turned me off. When people call in she talks over them and is down right rude. Her main thrust seems to be promoting liberal causes rather listening and giving sound financial advice. I turn the radio off when she is on.


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