This weekend Bob Brinker said the markets were "volatile." I summarized the market volatility below. Other than that, Brinker didn't have much to say about the stock market nor his bragging just weeks ago when the S&P500 was at 1290 and he was buying. See:
Bob Brinker Buy Levels in graphical form
All Time High Market Statistics 08/21/11
S&P500 Chart
Last Market High 10/11/07 at 1,576.09
Current S&P500 Price 1,123.53
Decline in Points = 452.56
Decline in percent = 28.7%
2011 Intraday "Correction" Statistics 08/21/11
S&P500 Chart
Recent Market High 05/02/11 at 1,370.58
Last Market low 08/08/11 at 1,119.28
Current S&P500 Price 1,123.53
Decline in Points = 247.05
Decline in percent = 18.0%
Max Decline = 18.3%
So, despite all the noise from Brinker about a 1030 buy for the market, he was fully invested at the very top at 1576, issued a "gift horse" buying opportunity in the mid 1400s and has been calling "buying opportunities" all along yet the market is still down 28.7% from four years ago and down 18% from his recently bragging about buying. ALL WHILE FULLY INVESTED IN STOCKS SINCE 2003!
Brinker's guest was Bob Lutz, author of the book, “
Car Guys v. Bean Counters: the Battle for the Soul of American Business
In 2001, General Motors hired Lutz out of retirement with a mandate to save the company by making great cars again. As vice chairman, he launched a war against the penny-pinching number-crunchers who ran the company by the bottom line, and reinstated a focus on creativity, design, and cars and trucks that would satisfy GM customers.