Sunday, April 08, 2012

Lynn Jimenez & Bob Brinker's Market Outlook

Happy Easter!

This weekend Lynn Jimenez was the guest hostess for "Moneytalk with host Bob Brinker."  It was pointed out in the comments section here that Lynn filled in for Bob Brinker on the second Sunday of each of the first three months so far in 2012.  Today made it four months in a row:
  1. January 8 
  2. February 12
  3. March 11
  4. April 10
Bob Brinker's Market Outlook

If you wonder about Bob Brinker's views on the market, he has been fully invested since March 2003.  He recommends 100% of your investment portfolio in equities if you are in his model portfolio one or two for those with aggressive growth and long-term growth objectives, respectively.   His "balanced" model portfolio #3 for "capital preservation and modest growth" is currently about two thirds in equities and one third in fixed income.

While his model portfolios #1 and #2 are 100% in equities, Brinker currently recommends dollar cost averaging "new money" into the market.  Thus, if you are one of the three Super Lotto winners, Brinker would not advise you to lump sum your winnings into the stock market at this time.   

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